Saturday, August 3, 2013

We're On TV!

Thanks for reminding me of this hilarious story Jerome...

Michelle and I were on our honeymoon, on a tour at Xel-Ha water park in Mexico. After walking the park and doing touristy things, we had about ninety minutes until we had to leave, so we just started walking around. As we passed the dolphins, I noticed something of a hubub, so we investigated. Turns out it was Criss Angel filming for his TV show. So naturally, as a tourist, I went to take a photo when this huge dude says "Hey, no photos.... but do you want to be in the show?" We agreed; after all, we had about ninety minutes until our bus back to our ferry back to our island left. That's when I learned that TV shows take a long time to film.

With about ten minutes left before our bus left, I told the guy who asked us to be on the show that we had to leave or we'd miss our bus. He said "Let me talk to Criss". Next thing we know, Criss bolts up and says "Who has to leave?!?" Michelle and I awkwardly raised our hands... So he reviews some tape and says we're good to go but he wishes we could stay. I try to take a photo again, but am denied by the big dude again; 0/2. We apologize for needing to leave and carry on to our bus and laugh about the conundrum on the bus ride.

It gets better.

A few days later, at the airport, we're waiting in line to board and I notice Mr Angel in the First Class line. I decided, against the advice of Michelle, to approach him and apologize again and wish him well... and try again for a photo. Criss shakes my hand and says "No Worries brother." I ask for a photo... denied. He says we'll do one at our Houston layover. I walk, defeated, back to an incredibly embarrassed wife. 0/3.

So in Houston, I see Mr Angel at baggage claim. I decided, without any external input, that it would be classified as creepy if I approached him again. So I never got my photo...

Video evidence below...notice we're not in the final shots, haha! Michelle and I are the couple in the middle in case you don't know who we are: