Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dodge Barrage

D-Will and Korver came back to SLC to host the third annual Dodge Barrage. I hope they bring it back next year, it was an awesome time and I would love to actually participate instead of simply spectate. 

Kam and I in line for the autographs (Kristopher took the pic)

 Korver, Williams

The Crew: Korver, Deron, CJ, Wes Matthews

The setup

Team Huddle for the TMNT

 A Wes Matthews dodgeball dunk

Left to right: Korver, a guy that kinda looks like D-Will, D-Will all attacking one poor old portly guy

The rush to be the first to the balls

Monday, August 22, 2011

You Aren't That Big

Go to the mountains. Hike to the top. Look all around... you aren't that big. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Today's Moment of Inspiration...

Take one second real quick and think about the thing that you love most; sports, the outdoors, food, TV, going to the movies, xbox, playing the theremin, surfing the web...the list goes on. Think about how much joy that thing gives you, the feeling you get when you're in your element enjoying life the way you like to enjoy it. Your favorite thing is probably really weird to someone in the world... Just think about that next time you want to make fun of somebody for doing something that makes them happy. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Basic Properties of Snow

Spring/Summer snow is usually not stable, as illustrated perfectly here: